
Church of England Primary School


Stephenwath Lane, Bugthorpe, York, East Yorkshire, YO41 1QQ

01759 368247


Continuing to Learn at Home

Please find useful information and resources below. However, we have moved 'home learning' to the 'Seesaw' app, so please ensure your child has their log on details to access this. On Seesaw, your child will be able to share work and communicate with their teachers. Log on information has been sent out to parents via email. Thank you for your continued support. #staysafe #stayhome  

Home Learning is now on the Seesaw app. Please go to https://web.seesaw.me  Log in details have been sent by email and text. Many thanks.

Useful Websites for Parents regarding Covid-19

Class 1

If your child is learning at home or in event of school closure please find the Home / School learning attached.



Please post any photographs of home learning on Tapestry. I will be there to answer any questions, provide you with further ideas and to provide your child with individual next steps in the 'comments' section. 



Play is extremely important in Foundation stage. Role play and small world activities can help your child to develop their imaginative, social and language skills. Please post any observations of your child being imaginative / making up stories with their toys and playing games onto Tapestry.

Physical activity is also vital; we will look forward to seeing your children playing outside, riding their bikes and playing games. 

Reading stories is a great way to develop your child’s imagination and language skills. Read as many stories to them as possible and ask them questions about the stories.

Your child could then write about their favourite part of a story or make up their own story either verbally or write it down / draw pictures.




Please see the Parents guide to Phonics attached and use phase 1 activity ideas with your nursery children. 



Please practise recognising numbers 0-10, touch counting and finding 1 more/1 less. Nursery children can also practise naming 2D shapes. Please see the attached Resources file for more ideas. 




Reception have almost completed phase 3 and we are now beginning to consolidate this phase. Your child can use their yellow phonics book to recap sounds and practise letter formation.


As well as this please could your child take part in phonics for around 20 minutes a day.


Please concentrate on one sound a day / 4 sounds a week and recap the 4 sounds on a Friday. 























Please practise reading and writing words with each sound in. The children can also be encouraged to write sentences containing these words. 

Phonics play is a good website where you can access free games. This is a great resource to practise blending and sort real and nonsense words. The children are familiar with many games on this website.

Geraldine the Giraffe and Mr Thorne does Phonics can be found on YouTube. This is a really fun and useful tool to practise each sound and identify words containing these sounds. 


Tricky Words

Please practise reading and writing the tricky words. Children could use them to make up their own sentence and draw a picture.




























Other phonic ideas are attached in the Resources file



We would recommend spending around 20 minutes on Maths a day.

In Number we are focusing on doubling / halving / sharing / addition and subtraction.

In Shape, Space and Measure we are focusing on 2D shapes/ 3D shapes / weighing and measuring.


  • Set up a shop
  • Share / double toys/ sweets / toy cars etc
  • Find the doubles in a set of dominoes
  • Use children’s favourite toys to make adding and subtracting fun. If I had 4 dinosaurs and took 1 away. How many would there be?
  • Go on a shape hunt – which 2D and 3D shapes can you find?
  • Use junk modelling to make 3D models
  • Make 3D shapes out of playdough
  • Baking


Other ideas are attached in the Resources file.










 A guide to phonics for Parents.pdfDownload
 Activities to Try at Home.pdfDownload
 Counting and Ordering Numbers to 20.pdfDownload
 Early Learning Goals Parent and Carers Guide.pdfDownload
 Finds One More or One Less Than.pdfDownload
 Phase 3 Phonics - Activity Booklet.pdfDownload
 Phase 3 Phonics - Home Learning Challenge.pdfDownload
 Solving Problems - Doubling.pdfDownload
 Solving Problems - Halving.pdfDownload
 Solving Problems - Sharing.pdfDownload
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Class 2

 Maths Homework Grid - Y1_Y2.docxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Home Learning!


In English we are currently learning about Space. We have enjoyed learning about Neil Armstrong and are in the process of creating a non-chronological report on Space. We have researched our own information about space, using non- fiction books and the school i pads.

Using the Space themed power point above, there are some ideas to encourage your child to write independently whilst learning at home.Please remember to keep this work as we can add this to their English book. 

Twinkl have provided a free log in and home learning packs for parents. If you search for Key Stage 1 learning resources you will find many comprehension and SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) activities in a format that your child will be familiar with. There is a huge amount of choice, you can choose things linked to our Space topic. If you find something that you think your child would enjoy learning about or be stimulated by, or is linked to a hobby or interest of theirs then please encourage this too.

If your child enjoys digital learning, they can use Purple Mash to create stories. I can access these and read them too!






As well as the above please could your child take part in phonics for around 20 minutes a day. Here are the phase 5 and 6 sounds that we are learning.



 Phase 5

a-e (as in came)

au (as in Paul)

ay (as in day)


e-e (as in these)


ea (as in


ew (as in chew)

ey (as in money)


i-e (as in like)

o-e (as in bone)

oe (as in


ou (as in out)

ph (as in phil)

u-e (as in june)

u-e (as in huge)

ue (as in



 Phase 6

For phase 6 sounds please visit:


words with -s and es suffixes

adding suffixes to words ending 'e'

adding suffixes to words ending with 'y'

adding suffixes to words ending with a single consonant

adding more suffixes ing, ed, ful, ly, est, er, ment, ness, en.


Please practise reading and writing words with each sound in. The children can also be encouraged to write sentences containing these words. 

Phonics play is a good website where you can access free games. This is a great resource to practise blending and sort real and nonsense words. The children are familiar with many games on this website.

We use 'Mr Thorne does Phonics' to scaffold our learning in Phonics. This can be found on YouTube. This is a really fun and useful tool to practise each sound and identify words containing these sounds. 




In maths we are learning about Multiplication and Division. In Year 2 your child will solve multiplication and division problems using the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables. 

 They will learn:

The 2,5 and 10 times tables

Use the multiplication, division and equals signs

Show that multiplication can be done in any order (and division cannot)

Solve problems in contexts using lots of different methods.

How to help at home:

1.Talk about odd and even numbers.Ask your child to explain what they know about odd and even numbers. Everyday objects such as buttons or pasta are great for learning about this. Even numbers can be divided equally into two whole numbers and odd numbers cannot. Encourage children to share objects into two equal groups. Ask your child if there is an odd or even number of apples in the fruit bowl. Is there an odd or even number of people eating at the dinner table.

2. Practise multiplication:

Arrays, Your child will explore multiplication using arrays. Arrays are sets of objects arranged in rows and columns to make a rectangle. Help your child recognise arrays in the real world. Egg boxes, ice cube trays and windows in buildings can all be arrays. Ask your child to build arrays from small objects like grapes, buttons, for e.g 6 objects can be made into several different arrays.   

    ******        ** 



 3. Practise times tables

At present we are practising our 2's, 5's and 10's times tables. This is the link for the fun reggae video that we use in class. It is called 'Learning is fun the Todd and Ziggy way!'.


4. Practise division

Division can be best understood as sharing and grouping.

Ask your child to explore division by sharing objects equally. 


Dear all,

I hope you have had a lovely Easter holiday! Here is next weeks Maths work! We are now focusing on Multiplication and division. There is a power point to go through with your child, some are labelled for Year 1 and some for Year 2. I will change the worksheets on a weekly basis. There is no work set for 24 04 20 as this day can be used to consolidate what they have learnt in the week. It is important to show your child the power point before he or she completes the worksheet. Please encourage your child to use resources from home to explore Multiplication and division. Exploration is a significant part of how children learn new mathematical concepts.

Many thanks for your continued support1



Class 3

Happy Easter! Stay safe, have a good rest and I look forward to seeing you all soon.

I hope you are all keeping well! Look out for my YouTube uploads - I shall use this to keep in touch as well as reading the story. Mrs G.

SPAG Kahoot!

We all love a Kahoot! in Class 3, so I have created one for you to do, to see how well you can remember the SPAG work we have been doing. 

You can play it here 


Why not create your own Kahoot about something we have learnt this term? If you do, then email me the link and I will post it here for everyone to try. 

Morning activity

Just like at school, I will be creating an "On This Day in History" slide daily, and uploading it here. Don't forget to do the mental maths challenge - you can make this more fun by challenging your adults to join in - can you beat them? Also, I would like you to do a small piece of research on each historic event.

 Friday 3rd April.pdfDownload
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 Thursday 2nd April.pdfDownload
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 Monday 30th March.pdfDownload
 Tuesday 31st March.pdfDownload
 Wednesday 1st April.pdfDownload
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Keeping active

Fresh air and exercise are very important and it is recommended that if children are learning at home they take a short walk every day. However we understand that this isn't always possible so here are some other ideas. You may want to join in too!


Go Noodle has a huge range of indoor exercise activites including dancing, yoga and mindfulness exercises. 

Joe Wicks has a great channel on YouTube with a range of workouts for kids.



I shall upload a Problem of the Day here.

 Thursday 2nd April.pdfDownload
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 Wednesday 1st April.pdfDownload
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Rather than uploading the lesson plans individually, I decided it will be easier for you to follow this link and go straight to the White Rose maths "Learning at Home" page. This allows you to access the learning videos which go with each topic which will help a lot with the tasks. 


However, please don't worry if your child finds these difficult. At school, children have a lot more resources and people around them to support their learning and if this is proving difficult there are plenty of other ways they can practise their maths skills while we are off, and they may be better consolidating learning we have already done in class rather than attempting new skills. If this is the case, please contact me and I will be happy to provide some alternative revision activities.

Virtual Trips!

We have really enjoyed reading The Wind in the Willows in Class 3. The West End stage show of the story is available to stream online for free. Why not make it a real "night at the theatre" experience, by wearing your best clothes?



Explore the world online! 

Here are a range of virtual tours you can take, including The British Museum The Pyramids, The Great Wall of China, Buckingham Palace and many more exciting places.


Understanding the world and other activities



In Class 3 we try to watch Newsround daily. This is helpful for children, particularly at this worrying and uncertain time. 

Other ideas for activities to do at home:

Baking. This is excellent for children to use their maths skills and create a tasty treat for themselves at the same time. 

STEM activities such as Lego, marble runs, magnetic tiles or Meccano are wonderful and these days, often overlooked during the weekend when children are busy doing sporting activities, homework, having days out, or relaxing playing with games consoles or tablets. Dig the Christmas presents out of the cupboard, and see what they can create! I would love to see photographs of children's creations so please feel free to email them to me and I will display them on the website.

Mandala colouring. Another great activity for mindfulness. There are lots of these available on Twinkl, or for added creativity there are some great tutorials on YouTube to help children draw their own. 

In the files below are two mindfulness colouring sheets for you to download.


I have added some lovely ideas in the files for outdoor activities.


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Last term, children learnt how to write a diary entry when they wrote as "Mole" from the Wind in the Willows. I would like them to spend a few minutes each day keeping their own diary of their experience of the current situation. They should remember the features of diary writing, using the past tense, writing in the first person, using interesting adjectives and adding time conjunctions. This will not only help develop their writing skills but will provide a record of a situation that we have never seen before in our lifetimes. As the children grow up it will be fantastic for them to read their journal entries of this unique experience.


Twinkl have provided a free log in and home learning packs for parents. If you search for Key Stage 2 learning resources you will find many comprehension and SPAG (spelling, punctuation and grammar) activities in a format that your child will be familiar with. There is a huge amount of choice, you can choose things linked to our Angry Earth topic, but please don't feel restricted by this. If you find something that you think your child would enjoy learning about or be stimulated by, or is linked to a hobby or interest of theirs then please encourage this!

If your child enjoys digital learning, they can use Purple Mash to create stories. I can access these and read them too!



Next week's spellings (the week after the Easter holidays) focus on the suffixes "-less", "-ness", "-ful" and "-ly"

care    joy

job      fear

thank    mercy

thought   pain

slow       quick

sudden     sad

rough    careful

angry    happy


Activity 1.

Show children the list of words and discuss with them the correct suffix for each word.

Children should complete the spellings for the core words, first adding -less and -ful, and then adding -ly to the resulting words using this example:

care - careless - careful - carelessly - carefully

Discuss with children which words require changes to the spelling of the core word.

Activity 2.

Children should write  sentences using the words above with the added suffixes.

Activity 3

Children to think of sentences using different words that use the same suffixes, for example:

loudly, gladly, badly, cheerful handful, dutiful, restless, endless, tasteless.



Children can use their log-in to Purple Mash to practise their times tables, coding, or just learn and play creatively. 

They can also use Purple Mash for English and maths. 


On Friday, your child should have come home with some "babyrice" moulding medium and some modelling clay to make a fossil with. In the file below, you will find instructions to help you make your fossil. I would like this to be completed before the Easter holiday please.

As it is a few days since I made my fossil, I can just add that after a few days it will go completely hard. You can then paint your fossil.

Well done and thank you to those of you who have already made your fossils and have sent me the photos - they look amazing so far!

BBC Bitesize is a fantastic learning resource. If you follow the links to Key Stage 2, and then to the "Materials" section there is a section about rocks and fossils. If your child enjoys this and wants to learn more, the magnets section is a good progression. 


 Instructions for making a fossil using babyrice.pdfDownload
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To continue our topic of "What makes the earth angry", this link to the Royal Geographical Society has an excellent set of free lessons and learning resources about mountains, volcanoes and earthquakes. At school we have covered volcanoes and are about to move onto earthquakes, the it would be logical to start with the earthquake resources, but if any children want to cover more learning about volcanoes or find out about mountains, this would complement their school learning nicely.


Additional resources can be found on BBC Bitesize to support this topic.

 Maths Homework Grid - Y3_Y4.docxDownload
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Story Time! 

Welcome to Mrs Green's story channel. Every day I will be posting a video of me reading to you from my favourite chapter book. Can you guess what it is?

Relax, and enjoy.



Wednesday's installment - chapter 2 part 1


Friday's installment - Chapter 2 Part 2


Class 4

During the school closure please find below a range of activities that Class 4 children can access over the next few weeks. Most of them can be carried out independently or with a small amount of adult assistance.

Please complete the activities in the books provided. You may of course add anything extra that you do with your children, pictures, drawings, photos etc.

Some activities relate to our current topic of WW2, in which your children have researched an influential figure so they can continue writing their biographies from home. They can use the computer to write this adding pictures and fact boxes.

In computing, the children can continue their work on data bases on Purple Mash and I will add any further work if and when required.

We recommend 30 minutes of Maths and 20 minutes of Reading are done every day. 

Take care

 Learning Project WEEK 1.pdfDownload
 Learning Project WEEK 2.pdfDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2


Please complete 1 science lesson a week. There is a powerpoint and work in each file. For extra information you can also look at www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize for extra information.


Have a go at using the following website to research different areas of World War II e.g. evacuation. You could then use your new knowledge to write a newspaper report, create a PowerPoint presentation, design a poster, make a collage or produce a non-chronological report.

http://primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/war/index.htm - Lots of useful information about World War II with areas to focus on including ‘The Blitz’ and ‘Rationing’.

https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/discover/history/general-history/world-war-two/ - Useful facts about World War II.

https://www.dkfindout.com/uk/history/world-war-ii/ - More useful information as well as a fun quiz to test your knowledge.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-world-war-two/zjnyscw - Lots of useful video clips from the BBC.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/history-ks2-children-of-ww2/zm7wpg8 - Videos of children interviewing their relatives to find out about how the war affected their lives.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p07f6zms - BBC Scotland have some fantastic episodes to watch which help explore The Home Front.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/handsonhistory/ww2.shtml - World War II recipes to try as well as videos to watch.