Welcome to Class 2!
(Years 1 & 2)
Teaching Staff
Mrs Julie Ashton - Class Teacher
Mrs Darke - Teaching Assistant on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday am.
Welcome to Class 2!
Please take a look at some of our super maths work. We have been representing numbers, comparing numbers, learning our number bonds and learning to add and subtract. We have also been learning about 2D and 3D shapes.
We have been learning about the creation story. We created stained glass windows to reflect this.
Our topic question for Class 2
Summer 2 2023 is:
'How do you grow your own salad??'
Class 2 children will enjoy making predictions and reading the story 'Little Evie in the Wild Wood' We will use this story to ask questions and clarify understanding. We will find inferences about characters feelings and thoughts and give reasons for the characters actions or behaviour.
In Science we will find out why trees are so important to our environment and how long they live. We will learn how to find out how old they are. We will look at seeds, and research which flowering plants we would most likely find in the woodlands.
In design and technology we will learn how to cut food safely, weigh ingredients to use in a recipe and also describe the appearance and texture of the different ingredients.
To find out more about what we are learning this half term, please see the medium term planning below!
This Autumn 1 2022 half term, our topic title is:
'Why is the ipad more fun than my grandparents toys?'
We will look at changes within living memory and enjoy discussing what this means.
Through enquiry-based learning we will also be finding out about living things and their habitats.
Above is a copy of our curriculum newsletter for our topic.
Sticky Knowledge Mats help us to remember key facts about our topics. Below is a copy of our recent one.
Summer 1 - Why do we like to be beside the seaside.
Our trip to Bridlington.
Spring 1 - How will 5 day help me to be healthy?
Our class trip to Eureka!
Autumn 2 - Why can't penguins live near the equator?
Autumn 1 - Why don't dinosaurs make good pets?
The children have two P.E. lessons per week where they are taught basic skills such as throwing and catching and how to apply these to team games. The children are also taught dance, gymnastics and athletics.
This half term our P.E. lessons will be on a Tuesday am and Friday pm.
From time to time we also invite specialist coaches in to school to teach the children for either one off lessons or a series of lessons.
During the summer term the children are given the opportunity to represent Bugthorpe School in team competitions such as three in a bucket.
We expect children to read regularly at home as part of our school's homework policy.
Phonics homework is also added weekly to the children's Seesaw account. This can be completed and returned online or printed out to be completed and handed in to school.
Depending on our topic, children may also be given extended half termly challenges such as a researching and presenting information or designing and creating a model.
Times tables Rock Stars